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Mugla Menopause Care Package

Menopause Care Package - Nearest Gynecologist To Your Hotel

Ortaca, Dalaman, Köyceğiz, Fethiye, Obstetrics & Gynecologist , Medical Doctor

“If a woman is unwell, there is no tranquility at home.”

Mesut Bayraktar Muğla'da Bulunan Özel Muayenehanesinde Çalışırken - arka yok
Mugla Menopause Care Package

Mesut Bayraktar,MD

Gynecology & Obstetrics Specialist

Menopause Care Package – Nearest Gynecologist To Your Hotel

Menopause affects women very differently, make those later stages lighter with our menopausal care package.

Who is it for?
Women over 50 years of age

How often?
Every year

What does it involve?

  • Skillful Gynaecologist Examination
  • Full history taking + abdominal and pelvic examination
  • Blood pressure assessment
  • Transvaginal Ultrasound – Pelvic Ultrasound
  • Comprehensive report
  • Cervical smear test
  • Privacy

Whilst we aim to provide a one stop service for the maximum convenience of our patients, if you have any questions pertaining to your results, we request a follow up appointment is booked.

Appointments are made face to face (£300).

Gizemli Sır: Asemptomatik Vajinal Akıntı Rahi̇m & Vaji̇nal Kanamalar Neden Beklemekle İyi̇leşmi̇yor ? Muğla Kürtaj Pillar Content Ayrıntılı Ultrason Rahim İltihabı Vajinal Akıntı Menopoz nedir? Gebelikte – Hamilelikte Kanama

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