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Polyp Treatment – Healthy uterus No Produce Polyps

Ortaca, Dalaman, Köyceğiz, Fethiye, Obstetrics & Gynecologist , Medical Doctor

If A Woman İs İll, There İs No Serenity At Home.

Mesut Bayraktar Muğla'da Bulunan Özel Muayenehanesinde Çalışırken - arka yok
Kadın Hasta ise Evde Huzur Yoktur

Mesut Bayraktar,MD

Gynecology & Obstetrics Specialist

Healthy uterus does not produce polyps – polyp treatment

Often; Vaginal Bleeding, Break Bleeding, Unending Menstrual Bleeding

It is a gynecological disease detected as a result of going to the gynecologist in cases of excessive menstrual bleeding.

What is inside the uterus is called an endometrial polyp.

Polyps Are Likely to Be Benign & Malicious (Cancer Precursor).

Uterus Do Not Produce Polyps Out of Spontaneity!

It is necessary to have a ground that facilitates the formation of polyps!

Basically Polyp is a Chronic Disease!

In the Female Genital System, Polyp is an Acquired Disease!

You will not encounter a situation where the fetus found in the mother’s womb has a polyp in the uterus!

Polyp is a later developing disease!

In fact, a polyp is a response of the female genital system to a cause that it cannot cope with!

Triggering Polyp Development in the Uterus; Couldn’t it be a gynecological disease that you can’t attribute or cure?

Couldn’t the Root Cause Be a Gynecological Disease?

Could the Polyp Developed in the Womb Be Triggering Other Diseases?

I know you went to the Gynecologist… They just said there is a polyp…. Let’s Leave This Aside…

The Path to Treatment Begins with 1 (One) Examination.

If you want to make this start, request an appointment via WhatsApp 0546 774 01 59.

Kadın genital polip, servikal polip, endometriyal polip, Muğla kadın doğum doktoru

Healthy uterus does not produce polyps -  polyp treatment
servikal polip

Healthy uterus does not produce polyps -  polyp treatment
Muğla Kadın Doğum Doktoru Miyom Polip Kist Kürtaj Kanama Ameliyatı
dev servikal polip Muğla kadın doğum
Rekürren Dev Servikal Polip

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