Contraceptive Coil Insertion – Nearest Gynecologist To Your Hotel Ortaca, Dalaman, Köyceğiz, Fethiye, Obstetrics & Gynecologist , Medical Doctor
Contraceptive Coil Insertion – Nearest Gynecologist To Your Hotel
If A Woman İs İll, There İs No Serenity At Home.
Mesut Bayraktar,MD
Gynecology & Obstetrics Specialist
If you would prefer not to need to remember contraception each day, this may be the perfect method for you.
What does it involve?
Having a coil removed involves:
- Full history taking + abdominal and pelvic examination
- Skillful Gynaecologist Examination
- Transvaginal Ultrasound – Pelvic Ultrasound
- Cervical smear test
- Blood pressure assessment
- Coil İnstallation ( Cupper , 5 years )
- Prescription arrangement
- Comprehensive report
- Privacy
Whilst we aim to provide a one stop service for the maximum convenience of our patients, if you have any questions pertaining to your results, we request a follow up appointment is booked. Appointments are made face to face (£300).
Addition Coil İnstallation Fee : £300
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