Urinary incontinence is a high-risk gynecological condition affecting many women, often impacting their quality of life and requiring medical attention.
Ortaca, Dalaman, Köyceğiz, Fethiye, Obstetrics & Gynecologist , Medical Doctor
If A Woman İs İll, There İs No Serenity At Home.
Mesut Bayraktar,MD
Gynecology & Obstetrics Specialist
Urinary Incontinence It Is a high risk gynecological disease
PeeIng Doesn’t Make You Sick.
Urinary Incontinence Makes Sick!
People Think!
What Kind of Title Is This…
Since Your Main Problem Is Urinary Incontinence, You Don’t Think That This Disease = “Incontinence” Will Produce Other Diseases and Cause Other Diseases!.
When a woman comes to be treated for urinary incontinence, women do not accept that it produces additional diseases because this problem persists for a long time!.
He Doesn’t Even Want To Think….
I Call This Situation “GENITAL Denial”.
Urine Shows Toxic Properties for Female Genital System!
The Normal Amount of Urine A Woman Can Miss During the Day; ZERO!
Pee; In order not to contaminate, not to contact, it is stored, peed at once!
Urine is a biological waste that the body is trying to get rid of!
In case of a woman’s urinary incontinence, it is IMPOSSIBLE for her not to have other diseases or to develop.
Root Cause of Urinary Incontinence; Couldn’t it be a gynecological disease that you can’t attribute or cure?
Couldn’t the Root Cause Be a Gynecological Disease?
I know, you went to a gynecologist, a urologist… They said it’s normal…. Let’s Leave This Aside…
The Path to Treatment Begins with 1 (One) Examination.
If you want to make this start, request an appointment via WhatsApp 0546 774 01 59.
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<meta name=”keywords” content=”[wpts_spin{Muğla| Ortaca| Köyceğiz| Dalaman| Fethiye| Marmaris| Göcek| Obstetrics and Gynecology| Fethiye Gynecology| Ortaca Gynecology| Dalaman Gynecology| Köyceğiz Gynecology| Muğla Obstetrics and Gynecology| Pregnancy| Gynecologist| Muğla Obstetrics and Gynecology| fethiye the best gynecologists| fethiye private gynecologists| fethiye gynecologists| fethiye gynecologists| fethiye gynecologists| muğla private obstetricians| marmaris gynecologists| marmaris gynecologists| muğla obstetricians| fethiye private gynecologists| gynecology fethiye| fethiye private gynecology clinics| fethiye gynecologist| urinary incontinence with sneezing| urinary incontinence while laughing| urinary incontinence while walking| urinary incontinence with coughing| urinary incontinence during pregnancy| cystitis| urinary incontinence during sexual intercourse| burning in urine| bad smell of urine| dark colored urine |bloody urine|bloody pee|urinary incontinence|bladder pad|sleeping incontinence|menopausal incontinence|postpartum incontinence|difficult incontinence after childbirth|normal stool urinary incontinence after childbirth| urinary incontinence after vacuum delivery| bladder prolapse| urinary incontinence while lifting heavy weights| Mesut Bayraktar| gynecologist| urinary bladder drop| urinary incontinence during intercourse| Mugla| Incontinence| urine| peeing| urinating too often| urinating in diabetics incontinence| incontinence in the elderly| tot| tvt| sling surgery| incontinence surgery| catheter| urinary catheter| silicone urinary catheter}][/wpts_spin]“>